UNITED NATIONS AND THE AFRICAN UNION The A.I.I. coordinated global and continental unified geopolitical policy programs are implemented under the following key sub-program areas
AFRICAN AFFAIRSThe Institute is dedicated to working with these international organizations in dealing with the major affairs that pertain to Africa including (i) peaceful co-existence among ethnic entities and nations, (ii) establishment of democratic rule, (iii) fostering of economic development, (iv) assessment of potential and actual conflict situations, (v) prevention, management, and resolution of violent conflicts, (vi) resettlement of refugees, and (vii) making recommendations for alternative policy directions to help make individual nations more responsible global partners.
AFRICAN AMERICAN AFFAIRSA.I.I. will, under this program, work with the UN, AU, and concerned citizens to develop a global strategy for the alleviation of the plight of Africans and African Americans resulting from the effects of slavery, discrimination, and economic deprivation. The economic councils of these organizations will be called upon to commit to formulating and implementing specific and concrete plans for promoting broad-based economic growth and self-reliance that will help uplift African people.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSUnder this program, A.I.I. seeks to work with the UN and AU to promote peace and security, international economics and development, and the protection of human rights. The Institute will implement this program working closely with these organizations by working to (i) strengthen international law and relations, (ii) engage international and domestic representatives of private and public organizations, citizen groups, scholars, and men and women from diverse social and professional backgrounds in policy debates about ways and means of improving human relations, (iii) constantly remind and educate policy makers and the general public about international affairs and the transnational political, social, and economic forces that affect them.