EDUCATIONThe A.I.I. educational program is designed to seek ways and means of strengthening the delivery of education through quality inputs, community participation, and decentralized management, and to support vocational training. Emphasis will be placed on helping decrease illiteracy among rural populations, especially rural women. Strategies for implementation will be based on teaching literacy, problem solving, and management skills.
RESEARCHThe A.I.I. educational research is designed to help develop the most practicable and amenable curricular structure for a particular region or community that will ensure the successful implementation of the goals stated above. Efforts will be made to recognize the prevailing trends in the socio-economic, scientific, and technological arenas so as to engender global integration. Emphasis will be on the use and application of computers and modern technology.
RESEARCHThe A.I.I. educational research is designed to help develop the most practicable and amenable curricular structure for a particular region or community that will ensure the successful implementation of the goals stated above. Efforts will be made to recognize the prevailing trends in the socio-economic, scientific, and technological arenas so as to engender global integration. Emphasis will be on the use and application of computers and modern technology.
EXCHANGE STUDENT PROGRAMA program designed to build new and/or strengthen existing linkages between African nations and create an environment in which students will be able to exchange visits, receive training in areas vital to the economic development of their countries, and develop an appreciable degree of cross-cultural awareness and friendship.
VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAMAn exchange program designed for professionals and scholars in key areas of the educational and scientific communities to enhance contacts and promote the dissemination of relevant research information and knowledge.