ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The A.I.I. operations in the economic development arena will focus on macro-economic measures and deregulation approaches that can be adopted to strengthen economic performance and promote private sector development. We will support on a non-profit basis, sector development planning and pre-investment studies.
FEASIBILITY STUDIESUnder this program, A.I.I. will help interested governments and communities in building an international team of experts to help in planning and management studies related to development projects. Such studies would include (i) establishment of goals, (ii) problem identification and analysis, (iii) solution identification and impact assessment, (iv) formulation of alternatives and analysis, (v) recommendations, including priorities and schedules of implementation, (vi) decisions, (vii) implementation, and (vii) operation and maintenance.
MICRO-ENTERPRISE PROMOTIONThis program is designed to create and promote initiatives in private sector development of rural areas. AII will encourage rural credit initiatives, and pilot schemes to support small-scale capital investments covering communities, NGOs, and private entrepreneurs.