POLICY STUDIES Our Policy Studies programs are aimed at understanding international economic and political developments around the world, and the impact those developments may have on relations between countries, and in particular, relations with African countries.
NATIONAL POLICIESA.I.I. will encourage and promote political and economic reforms that will use international trade rather than aid, to reduce national debts and poverty. The Institute will collaborate with representatives of the public and private sectors to cultivate free market principles and political freedom that will help create an environment that is amenable to investment and the creation of job opportunities. A.I.I will disseminate information to and engage national policy makers in constructive dialogues that will help them stay informed on global trends in issues that affect their economic development and well-being.
GLOBAL POLICIESA.I.I. will promote the development of global policies aimed at the promotion of peace, freedom, international co-operation, and economic development, while recognizing and respecting the sovereignty and cultural heritage of nations.
The Institute will evaluate policies and trade laws of foreign governments that negatively impact growth and development in Africa and help seek opportunities for constructive dialogues with representatives of such governments with the aim to improve or change such policies or laws. The Institute will not engage in lobbying of governments or government officials.
SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDIESA.I.I. will, whenever possible, assist governments in Africa to conduct studies to determine the impact of desirable economic and social development goals on both the local and regional populations. The Institute will ensure that sufficient and credible technical and structural relationships that exist among various sectors of the locality or region are taken into consideration in the planning process. We will also assist in sufficiently and appropriately specifying the degree of complexity and flexibility of incorporating adjustments in developmental plans in the light of political, economic, social, technological, or institutional changes by employing expert analysis and discussions. By this means we hope to help ensure adequate consideration of the inter-relationships of the particular development plan, the existing economy, the factors of production, and the feasibility of achieving the desired goals.