AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES The A.I.I. African-American program is dedicated to increasing the understanding of the culture, history, and contemporary affairs of Africans in America and the continent of Africa, and in fostering communications and interactions between them. A vigorous program of conferences and economic symposia will be part of this plan to build a bridge between the two continents.
CULTURAL RELATIONSThe Institute will promote awareness of African culture to America by sponsoring art exhibitions and galleries, issuing publications, holding international festivals of African Film, and presenting the music, dance, and other performances, and by conducting lectures on African and African American history, culture and cuisine.
We will promote the development of strong ties between people on the two continents through group visits and will encourage the preservation of cultural and historical landmarks.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThe objective of this program is to seek policy and program options to increase employment and income for Africans and African Americans on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean through expanded private sector economic activities. A.I.I. will pursue this policy through (i) market information and development, (i) policy and regulatory analyses, (iii) organizational development, (iv) technical assistance and program support, (v) research support capacity building for entrepreneurs, and (vi) identification of opportunities in international aid programs.
The focus of the economic development program will be in agribusiness, telecommunications, computer technology, and medicine.
We will promote the development of strong ties between people on the two continents through group visits and will encourage the preservation of cultural and historical landmarks.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThe objective of this program is to seek policy and program options to increase employment and income for Africans and African Americans on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean through expanded private sector economic activities. A.I.I. will pursue this policy through (i) market information and development, (i) policy and regulatory analyses, (iii) organizational development, (iv) technical assistance and program support, (v) research support capacity building for entrepreneurs, and (vi) identification of opportunities in international aid programs.
The focus of the economic development program will be in agribusiness, telecommunications, computer technology, and medicine.
MONUMENT FUNDA.I.I. is committed to building a befitting monument in the continental United States in honor of our kin who were taken into slavery. The monument will be designed to capture the essence of historical anthologies, the force of our cultural dynamics, and the mythologies of our native land. Also as part of this program, the Institute will work toward the restoration of all slave depots in Africa.