HUMAN RIGHTS The A.I.I. human rights initiatives are based on the AU African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (OAU, 1981) and the charters of the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations including the U. N. Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa. The Institute co-operates with international human rights organizations such as African Reparations Movement, African Human Rights Resource Center, Amnesty International, and the Association of Concerned Africa Scholars to mobilize support for the promotion of civil rights and free speech on the continent.
CIVIL RIGHTSThe Civil Rights program targets bias based on race, sex, and religion in such areas as employment, education, public benefits, access to health care, and reproductive rights. It is the goal of the Institute to, through vigorous action, promote access to opportunities and reduce barriers that hinder people of African origin from full participation in society either in their native countries or elsewhere.
The scope of this program also includes the procurement of civic and land rights for women, prevention of violence against women, improvement of legal services for the poor, and the strengthening and diversification of the legal skills of lawyers of African descent.
The scope of this program also includes the procurement of civic and land rights for women, prevention of violence against women, improvement of legal services for the poor, and the strengthening and diversification of the legal skills of lawyers of African descent.
FREE SPEECHA.I.I would like to see the nations of Africa as bastions of democratic liberties with the right to free speech as the shining pearl in the national constitutions. We will collaborate with individuals who accept this principle to cultivate the idea and actively pursue the goal of freedom of expression.